military law

We provide advice on matters of criminal and military discipline to members of the Armed Forces that find themselves under arrest by either the Civilian Police or Royal Military Police/SIB. Our service extends to travelling to areas such as Germany, Cyprus, Iraq and Afghanistan to represent Armed Forces in respect of criminal and military matters.

Our dedicated team, is committed to your thorough and vigorous defence.  We are experts in Military Law, RMP/SIB interviews and Courts Martial.

You are entitled to have a solicitor present at any police interview - RMP, SIB or CIVILIAN. You should never be interviewed without legal representation.

If you are interviewed while you are posted abroad, you may be offered a lawyer from another of HM Forces initially (a service lawyer), however you are able to decline their services and nominate your own solicitor. If we are instructed we will then make arrangements with the Military Police to fly over to represent you.

If you are informed that you are facing trial by Court Martial or Summary Appeal Court you can choose your own lawyer. You may be entitled to legal aid funded by the Armed Forces Criminal Legal Aid Authority. If you are provided with Army Legal Aid forms; fill these in immediately, inserting ‘Mullenders’ as the firm you wish to represent you. This will ensure that you are properly represented by a solicitor of your choice. You do not have to accept to be represented by a solicitor assigned to you otherwise.

Contact us now for further information on how we can help.

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